AS91098: Analyse specified aspect(s) of studied written text(s), supported by evidence. 4 Credits. External. Reading and Writing Literacy
Category: 2.1 Novel – The Book Thief

2.1 Novel Study – Practise Paper
Completing practise papers is a core element of preparation for final exams. Write them in one session, under timed conditions (90 minutes) and by hand. If you scan or photograph your paper and upload it to your blog I will be notified and give feedback.

The Book Thief – Schema B: Setting
As part of our systematic study of The Book Thief, we are exploring the different components of it as a literary text with a view to developing our own working definition for the genre “Magical …

A quick investigation into Surrealism in visual art.

The Book Thief – Schema C: Language
Now that you are developing your own bank of quotations framed by the schema we have devised as a class, it is also time to start to explore how these quotations will be able to …

The Book Thief – Schema A: Character
As we develop our hypothesis about what literary and linguistic features define the Magical Realism genre, we’re investigating a number of simultaneous lines of inquiry in our core text ‘The Book Thief’

A Schema for Literary Analysis
In today’s lesson we discussed the system for classification that English Literary study uses to organise our analytical responses. We talked about how this scheme is essential for any higher-order analysis, as it allows us …