Selected Quotations from The Book Thief
Colour and Metaphor “It felt as though the whole globe was dressed in snow. Like it had pulled it on, the way you pull on a jumper.” Use of Listing “There were two guards. There …

2.3 Unfamiliar Texts Practise Paper
Completing practise papers is a core element of preparation for final exams. Write them in one session, under timed conditions (90 minutes) and by hand. If you scan or photograph your paper and upload it to your blog I will be notified and give feedback.

2.1 Novel Study – Practise Paper
Completing practise papers is a core element of preparation for final exams. Write them in one session, under timed conditions (90 minutes) and by hand. If you scan or photograph your paper and upload it to your blog I will be notified and give feedback.

NCEA 2.4 Writing Portfolio Option 2: Being There – Setting Description
A description about a place in a single specific moment in time. Using student writing inspired by Dylan Thomas’s Under Milk Wood as a starting point, you will then choose your own scene and develop a description which evokes a sense of being there, of the place, its people, its sights and sounds.

NCEA 2.4 Writing Portfolio – Sample Texts
Extract from Under Milk Wood, by Dylan Thomas Under Milk Wood – An Extract By Dylan Thomas It is spring, moonless night in the small town, starless and bible-black, the cobblestreets silent and the hunched, …

NCEA 2.5 – Let me tell you a story…
Example Written Short Stories: The Zero Metre Diving Team – by Jim Shepard

The Book Thief – Schema B: Setting
As part of our systematic study of The Book Thief, we are exploring the different components of it as a literary text with a view to developing our own working definition for the genre “Magical …

A quick investigation into Surrealism in visual art.